Management of Apprenticeship Funds REF#6432

Solved Temporary Solution Issue Description Prakas No.4, Article 8 states that for companies that are unable to comply with the apprenticeship requirements stipulated by the Labour Law, such companies shall pay an apprenticeship tax of 1% of the total annual salaries...

Work Overtime Limits REF#6440

Solved Temporary Solution Issue Description There are three major laws and regulations governing overtime work in Cambodia: the Labour Law 1997 (LL) (Articles 137-140); Prakas No.80/99 on Overtime Work Besides Regular Working Hours; and Notification No.41/11 of the...

ASEAN Digital Trade Agenda REF#6254

Solved Temporary Solution Issue Description Digital trade refers to the exchange of goods and services through digital technologies such as e-commerce platforms, social media, or mobile applications. It includes transactions such as online purchases, digital payments,...

RCEP Commitments REF#6259

Solved Temporary Solution Issue Description The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has demonstrated a willingness to engage in foreign trade, as evidenced by the formulation of a long-term national trade strategy and its participation in various trade agreements....