Courtesy Call on H.E. Dr. Kun Nhem on 28 March 2023

12 Sep 2024 | Transport & Logistics Past Meetings

Last modified date: 12 Sep 2024

Duration: 1 hour 

EuroCham’s Transport & Logistics Committee and Automotive Committee had the pleasure of meeting with H.E. Dr. Kun Nhem, Director General of the General Department of Customs and Excise (GDCE) and GDCE officials on 28 March to discuss cross-cutting issues that affect both the GDCE and EuroCham members.

Major topics discussed included:

The grey market for the automotive sector – with secondhand vehicles making their way into Cambodia via unofficial borders. This affects authorised distributors within Cambodia as their reputation and sales take hits when unauthorised vehicles enter the market.

Streamlining transportation and logistics by building up infrastructure, and utilizing services like the ASEAN Single Window and Authorised Economic Operator programmes, which will allow for quicker customs clearances and reduce waiting times for goods in port.

 Clearly detailing customs procedures and processes for customs brokers to help streamline imports and exports. Raising awareness of customs regulations was also on the agenda, to ensure businesses have clear guidance to ensure they remain compliant with customs.

Increased priority for eco-friendly vehicles, including lower tariffs and building EV infrastructure in Cambodia. As H.E. Dr. Kun Nehm noted, building the industry domestically would create more jobs and raise living standards for Cambodians.

Progress has been made on these issues, and the EuroCham team looks forward to closely working with the GDCE in the near future on them.

As EuroCham Chairman Tassilo Brinzer said during the meeting, Cambodia lies in the heart of ASEAN and with improved logistics, could become a an strategic transport and shipping hub for the entire region.