Meeting with Prime Minister’s Task Force on Tax, Customs and Investment 

23 Apr 2024 | Tax Government Consultation

Last modified date: 23 Apr 2024

Duration: 1 hour 

On Friday 29th March, EuroCham met with the newly established Prime Minister’s Task Force on Tax, Customs and Investment led by its Chairman H.E. Sok Saravuth. This meeting aimed to address structural challenges linked to the taxation and customs procedures that hinder business development.

During the meeting, EuroCham highlighted the prevalent issue of distrust between taxpayers and the General Department of Taxation (GDT), particularly during the audit process. Many compliant companies face prolonged audit processes, lasting an average of five years. EuroCham also emphasised the burden of red tape in daily business operations, exacerbated by limited digitalisation.
The Task Force acknowledged these concerns and expressed a commitment to finding solutions. Both parties recognised the mutual goal of fostering a business-friendly environment in Cambodia to stimulate economic growth.